
And then my heart exploded.

Like all good pioneers I love enamelware. Its sturdy, utilitarian and doesn't take up too much room in your covered wagon...
There is something very satisfying about going camping and drinking some hot campfire coffee out of an enamel mug. The difficulty can be finding the enamel wear, for something so basic it should be easy right?
Dead Wrong.
During the summer when my family and I were going camping I tried to track down enamel wear, and was only able to find a set at Campers Village. However, their selection was only speckled navy blue. Pfft.
Which is why my heart exploded when I came across -

Totes Beautiful. And reasonably priced.


I'd rather be... Napping.


Some love them, some hate them, most people don't understand them.
Statistics have shown that 1 out of 5 people lie about loving naps.
Shocking information, I know.
Which means one of your friends is a liar... Unless you only have four friends - then consider yourself lucky.
I personally love naps. I think the only person to rival me in my love of naps is Garfield the cat.
Now this may come as a suprise to you, I haven't always liked naps - not until I had my daughter 3 years ago. Babies love napping, and Mamas love crying a lot, and then napping.
So - do you like naps? Do you feel groggy after napping? Do you have a napping spot in your house?


photo credit: sannah kvist



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Image from here